It's my pleasure to announce the additional usage of my photo of the Weeping Sakura tree of Hanazono in the would-be first newspaper & street ads of Tanagura Town to appeal its Sakura season. It was soon after I published the summary of how my photos of Tanagura Town has been used last month.
The first is the newspaper ad. This is the Tokyo Newspaper of March 21, 2018. You will see my photo on the bottom right. I've found a clear purpose in the fact that a one autonomy of Fukushima Prefecture placed an ad in the newspaper of Tokyo Prefecture.
I got closer.
The second is a street ad. While this ad appeared to be created for Nasugkogen Service Area, I found it in the town office of Tanagura, Kennan Promotion Bureau, and the front of the Weeping Sakura tree of Hanazono. Let's see the one in the town office first.
To my surprise, it is a big poster. It is much larger than what I printed for the contest, that is A4 size.
I was a bit worried about the picture quality in such a big size. But no worries needed. It looks perfect even when getting too close.
The next is Kennan Promotion Bureau.
And the last is the front of the Weeping Sakura tree of Hanazono.
It's my honor to see my photos being used in various plaeces. Thanks.