10 Hometowns for Each - takuminasuno.com10 Hometowns for Each
Local Revitalization

Comparison of Seasonal Changes - How the Landscapes of Tanagura Town Change from April to June

Here's a feature of Tanagura Town!

In April, Sakura is said to make the Town most beautiful. In June, there's nothing special. I compared by photos how April and June are different.

It must be easier for residents to try such comparisons like this. But I haven't seen it on the internet.

I wonder why. Is it because few people share information on the internet from Tanagura Town? I arranged my photos here and examined the difference.


Weeping Sakura Tree of Hanazono, Symbol of Sakura at Tanagura Town

Weeping Sakura Tree of Hanazono at Tanagura Town with Mist

I love this!

At the moment of posting this, I'm using this as a background photo in many of my SNS pages.

This is very much like the April of Tanagura!


And then in June, it looks like...

Weeping Sakura Tree of Hanazono

...here is full of green.

I was just overwhelmed by... the overwhelming life force.

Let''s say the April was like delicate and feminine. Then the June must be powerful and...masculine.

Of course, there was nobody around here, haha.

I hope to see the beautiful autumn colors here!


Site of Tanagura Castle, the Most Popular Spot of Tanagura Town

Site of Tanagura Castle

Here's the site of Tanagura Castle where graceful Sakura blossoms enjoy visitors. Local residents call this a small version of Kyoto. If I lived near here, I must have enjoyed hanami everyday. (Hanami is a Japanese tradition of drinking sake while watching Sakura blossoms.)



And then in June, it looks like...

Site of Tanagura Castle

Here's full of green, too. It looks less masculine than the Weeping Sakura tree of Hanazono, but it makes me feel the life force obtained during the two months.

If you walk under the tree, you can enjoy forest bathing. The site of Tanagura Castle always welcome us in the best condition.


Close-up Figure of Sakura at the Site of Tanagura Castle

Sakura along Inner Moat of Tanagura Castle

The Sakura at the Site of Tanagura Castle looks beautiful when you approach it, too. All around the moat is surrounded by this big volume of Sakura blosoms. This is how it became the famous Sakura Spot of this town.


And then in June, it looks like...

Entrance of Site of Tanagura Castle

Wow, the Sakura trees have changed into mere common roadside trees... This view let me know how the season of April is great.


Stairs up Yamamoto Fudouson Temple

Yamamoto Fudouson Temple at Tanagura Town

In the midst of April, there was no Sakura blossoms or green bushes at Yamamoto Fudoson Temple.

It was the season when we enjoyed cool air of the mountain.


And then in June, it looks like...

Yamamoto Fudouson Temple

It was full of green like a jungle. I couldn't believe this was the same place as the one I saw in April.

I prefer the green one in June!

In autumn, these green leaves all turn into red, yellow and orange. I really would like to see it!


Red Bridge at Yamamoto Fudouson Temple

Red Bridge of Yamamoto Fudouson Temple at Tanagura Town

This is my most favorite place of Yamaomoto Fudouson Temple.

Red color is the symbol of shrine, which makes me feel the holiness of Shinto. The flowing water was so transparent that the rainbow trouts looked like floating in the air. Sounds from the great nature purify out spirits. This April was such a great memory.


And then in June, it looks like...

Red Bridge at Yamamoto Fudouson Temple

Ohh!! This is much greater in June!

In April, it was more like elegant. And in June, the view makes me feel the sound full of life force. In the point of photography, the contrast of the green and red colors are quite nice.

In autumn, these green colors all turn into red, yellow and orange colors. It is a must-see event.


How is my feature of Tanagura Town?

I will compare the view after I take photos this autumn.

Tanagura Town is, I believe, full of nice landscapes you want to enjoy each season.

Please feel free to visit this town.

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Author of this Blog
Takumi Nasuno. Tanagura Supporters' Ambassador (Official supporter of Tanagura Town of Fukushima Prefecture). A fan of now-defunct TRIPLESSO. A multi-language blogger who loves photography and handcraft, montains, waterfalls and autumn foliage. I'm engaged in knowledge management and data analytics.
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