When I take photos of Ume blossoms, I prefer to adopt as small F-number as possible because small F-number allows me to give bokeh effect to the background.
As soon as I shooted Ume blossoms at Yoyogi Hachimangu Shrine, I realized that I hadn't documented how to set focus on each Ume blossom with small F-number so I'm writing a note here.
The most important and only way to achieve it is to find a camera position where each blossom stands in the same distance from the camera. That's it. No big deal. If the distance is the same, you can set focus on each blossom at the same time.
When I do this, I imagine a parallel transparent board in front of me. Then, I try to move by myself and move my camera so that I manage to put each blossom on the board. Finally, all I need to to is to press the shutter button.
It's pretty simple, isn't it? This technique is useful in other macro photography, and of course in other photography genres, too. I'm happy that the Ume blossoms in Yoyogi Hachimangu Shrine let me document this very important but easy-to-forget photography tips today.