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Full Bloom Next Weekend! - Cute Hydrangea Hirta Dominates Mt. Otsuka, Filling the Trail with Photography Subjects in All Directions!

Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (24mm, f/5.6, 1/30 sec, ISO-320)

It is right before welcoming the rainy season in Japan. I came to Mt. Otsuka of Okutama under the refreshing sunny sky.

I guess most people do not know Mt. Otsuka. Shortly speaking, you only need to take JR Line from Shinjuku Station for one and a half hours, get off the train at Kori Station, and walk a bit to the south in order to reach the mountain. If you hear that Mt. Otsuka is located next to Mt. Mitake, you might recognize Mt. Otsuka. Yes, Mt. Otsuka is not that famous. I only passed around 10 people in the mountain while climbing.

I came to such an un-famous mountain because I wanted to take photos of Hydrangea hirta! This tiny cute flowers of Hydrangea hirta show one of the biggest presence among all the kinds of Hydrangea. Although I took photos of many kinds last year, it was too late when I found the existence of Hydrangea hirta. Yes, this is my one-year-old challenge!

And I was quite surprised as soon as I arrived at the mountain. It was more than what I had expected from the information on the internet, which says that we can see Hydrangea growing in colonies. All the bush on the photo above is Hydrange hirta!


Pair of Hydrangea Hirta at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD (90mm, f/5.6, 1/80 sec, ISO-800)

It is much smaller than other Hydrangea. They grow up to be 3-5cm in size, and have a very tiny flower. They must have been born to symbolize the word "cute"...


Bush of Hydrangea Hirta at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/8, 1/50 sec, ISO-1000)

Such tiny cute flowers are growing in colonies like this! And they exist in all directions around you! I was like not being climbing but rather holding a photography event. This is what I call photography subjects in all directions. This was one of the biggest threats to me, which deprives me of limited time in the mountain. I was a bit tired of taking photos at the second half of the climbing, haha.


Group of Hydrangea Hirta at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD (90mm, f/5.6, 1/60 sec, ISO-500)

When they fully bloom, five peatals, stamens and pistils create a magical view. They made me stop on the way uncountable times...


Hydrangea Hirta at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD (90mm, f/18, 1/3 sec, ISO-400)

Here's the macro photo of one flower.

This is cute...( ! )

And the colors are great... ( ! )


Hydrangea Hirta Looking Up at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD (90mm, f/8, 1/15 sec, ISO-400)

Here's the photo from the bottom.

What a superb view...


Lovely Hydrangea Hirta at Mt Otsuka

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD (90mm, f/11, 1/3 sec, ISO-100)

And this is the best shot of today's climb. I felt that the leaves of Fern on the right are doing a good job.

Mt. Otsuka is a mountain of Cedar trees. Almost all the places are in the shade of them. You definitely need a tripod to take photos with good image quality. Of course, your macro lens, too. You also need a strong patience to take lots of photos because the wind often vibrates the flowers.

However, the experience to get surrounded by these cute flowers are irreplaceable by any. The Hydrangea hirta near the top was almost in full bloom, but the one at the foot will welcome its peak next weekend. If you have time, please go and enjoy the mountain of Hydrangea hirta. They are available only during this period.

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Author of this Blog
Takumi Nasuno. Tanagura Supporters' Ambassador (Official supporter of Tanagura Town of Fukushima Prefecture). A fan of now-defunct TRIPLESSO. A multi-language blogger who loves photography and handcraft, montains, waterfalls and autumn foliage. I'm engaged in knowledge management and data analytics.
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