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Sakura Report 2015 - Second Half of Sakura Season at Honmachi Sakura Park...?

Weeping Sakura Tree at Honmachi Sakura Park

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/4, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100)

Now we are welcoming the second half of... Sakura season here...? Ah, well, I posted some photos on May 25, naming it "the First Half of the Sakura season" here. Today is the second half.

This is why I was expecting the other Sakura trees blooming today. But the fact was that most of the Sakura blossoms had already fallen. This weeping Sakura tree is one of the few trees with relatively-a-large-number-of-blossoms here at Honmachi Sakura Park. It was too late to come here.


Weeping Sakura Blossoms at Honmachi Sakura Park

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD, Kenko DIGITAL TELEPLUS PRO300 2X DGX (180mm, f/8, 1/160 sec, ISO-160)

But it doesn't mean that we can't take photos of Sakura blossoms. The Weeping Sakura blossoms are well-arranged in shape, and they look more lovely thanks to the background of the blue sky.


Someiyoshino at Honmachi Sakura Park

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD, Kenko DIGITAL TELEPLUS PRO300 2X DGX (180mm, f/8, 1/160 sec, ISO-250)

I found some Sakura blossoms of Someiyoshino left, the most popular kind of Sakura in Japan.


Ooshima-zakura at Honmachi Sakura Park

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 90mm F/2.8 Di MACRO 1:1 VC USD, Kenko DIGITAL TELEPLUS PRO300 2X DGX (180mm, f/8, 1/160 sec, ISO-160)

The last photo is the Sakura blossoms of Ooshima-zakura. This Sakura gives the impression of the greenish white whereas Yomeiyoshino the reddish white. Although I couldn't see these Sakura trees in full bloom, I'm glad that managed to capture these blossoms today.

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Author of this Blog
Takumi Nasuno. Tanagura Supporters' Ambassador (Official supporter of Tanagura Town of Fukushima Prefecture). A fan of now-defunct TRIPLESSO. A multi-language blogger who loves photography and handcraft, montains, waterfalls and autumn foliage. I'm engaged in knowledge management and data analytics.
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