I finished the Licensing Examination of Photomaster Grade 1 now!
I checked the result with Mr. Google by myself and it turned out that...
70 out of 79 questions! Yes! I made it!
※As the question 31 was inappropriate, I omitted it from the count.
...Well, strictly speaking, I have 4 questions which I couldn't know the answers and ended up counting each of these as point 0.5. Thus my point should be from 68 to 72.
Perhaps I might have at most 5 questions which I answered wrong but regarded as correct. Then 63. It is far beyond the safe border of 60! Yay!
It was a pity that I couldn't write many posts about my study, but I'm so far relieved to see this result.
The official result will be available at the end of December. If I would fail in case, I will do my best again. Well, if I do pass it as I expected, I will do my best again. It's not changed. I continue to do my best!