10 Hometowns for Each - takuminasuno.com10 Hometowns for Each

Autumn Colors Report 2014 - Mt. Mutsuishi at Okutama (2/2)

Trekking Course to Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 08

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/500 sec, ISO-100)

Now, I've been through the first half of the trekking course to Mt. Mutsuishi. The slope is getting steeper and steeper, but the views are dramatically changed. That is, the autumn colors start to appear!

Autumn Colors Report 2014 - Mt. Mutsuishi at Okutama (1/2)


Yellow leaves of Mt Mutsuishi

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/125 sec, ISO-100)

Yellow leaves appeared on the right in the first place.


Red leaves of Mt Mutsuishi

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/640 sec, ISO-100)

Then, I found red leaves on the left!


Autumn leaves and nice sunshine of Mt Mutsuishi

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/800 sec, ISO-100)

The trees are growing densely in front of me. Of course, the leaves are colorful in red, yellow and green.


Autumn Colors along Trecking Course of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/1600 sec, ISO-100)

It seems like the state of progress of autumn colors is roughly 30% - 50% near the peak of Mt. Mutsuishi.


Colorful leaves gatherd along Trecking Course of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/1250 sec, ISO-100)

The interesting point of this very short period is that the green color co-exists with yellow and red colors. Therefore, the yellow and red colors look pretty outstanding. Plus, this view has the blue color from a mountain at the back. What a nice color combination...


Leaves are shining thanks to sunshine from the west

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/1250 sec, ISO-100)

Ohh! The sunlight is making the leaves shine like gold!! It is really a good weather!


Signboard to the peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/250 sec, ISO-100)

Steep slope had lasted for a bit, but this is the true sign of a very steep slope.


Steep Slope to the peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 01

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/250 sec, ISO-100)

The slope like this continues to the peak of Mt. Mutsuishi. The only help is that you can enjoy these autumn colors.


Steep Slope to the peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 02

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/250 sec, ISO-100)

Yes, the views are awesome here. But it is a bit burden on me to carry heavy camera gears. OK. The goal is getting closer.


Steep Slope to the peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 03

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/160 sec, ISO-100)

The ceiling of leaves are pretty refreshing with the colder air.


Curtain of Autumn Leaves of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (24mm, f/5.6, 1/30 sec, ISO-100)

I happened to find an open space full of autumn colors! This space, or rather to say the open hill, is off the main path on the right.


Last Stop to the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (24mm, f/5.6, 1/30 sec, ISO-640)

After coming back to the main path, I found this signboard soon. It is saying the peak is very close!


Signboard at the peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Canon EF50mm F1.4 USM (50mm, f/1.4, 1/800 sec, ISO-100)

Now I arrived at the peak of Mt. Mutsuishi! I still had about an hour before the sunset time. I did streaches carefully and shooted the sceneries around.


Skyscape from the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (12mm, f/8, 1/400 sec, ISO-100)

There were tall trees around the peak so they appeared in the photos as obstacles.


Autumn Colors at the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (16mm, f/8, 1/25 sec, ISO-100)

But such trees did have autumn colors already! It was really a good day to enjoy autumn colors on the peak.


Mt Fuji from the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (200mm, f/2.8, 1/800 sec, ISO-100)

Surprisingly, I found Mt. Fuji between the shade of the trees! I didn't think that I managed to see it from this peak. So lucky! (Mt. Takanosu is the best place to see Mt. Fuji in this area.)


Sunset from the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 01

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (200mm, f/8, 1/4000 sec, ISO-100)

Now the sunset time has come! A bit more clouds were spreading than I expected, haha.


the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 02

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (70mm, f/8, 1/800 sec, ISO-100)

The sun is sinking into the clouds. My tiredness of climbing up to the peak was like being vanished from my mind and body.


Sunset from the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 03

Canon EOS 6D, Tamron SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (70mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec, ISO-100)

The sun is hidden in the clouds. The clouds look black and heavy while the temperature is getting slightly lower. Well, it started to blow winds a bit.


Sunset from the Peak of Mt Mutsuishi at Okutama 04

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (12mm, f/8, 1/100 sec, ISO-100)

Good bye to the peak of Mt. Mutsuishi. Now, I'm going down to the foot.


Nightscape of Okutama Station

Canon EOS 6D, Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 IIDG HSM (24mm, f/8, 15 sec, ISO-100)

On the way back to the station, I came across three groups of climbers up the mountain. One of them said they were walking all night. The others said they were going camping at Mt. Takanosu.

In fact, I found this mountain easy to walk on at night because almost all the parts are straight. If you have enough protective gears and trekking equipments, night trekking and camping can be an enjoyable choice for you.

Thanks for enjoying my photos!

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Author of this Blog
Takumi Nasuno. Tanagura Supporters' Ambassador (Official supporter of Tanagura Town of Fukushima Prefecture). A fan of now-defunct TRIPLESSO. A multi-language blogger who loves photography and handcraft, montains, waterfalls and autumn foliage. I'm engaged in knowledge management and data analytics.
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